‘Gypsy/Roma pupils and pupils of Irish Traveller heritage (GRT) are among the lowest achieving groups at every key stage of education although individual pupils can and do achieve very well.’
(Gov.uk November 2012).
NT&AS has a successful record in engaging young people (GRT) in education, raising levels of attainment and promoting well being. NT&AS works nationally to raise educational and personal outcomes for young people.
- Flexible 1:1 teaching and learning to meet the needs of individual young people
- Opportunities for creative subject areas
- Innovative programmes of work
- Assessment for learning
- Specific literacy and numeracy programmes
- IT teaching
- PHSE programmes
- PfWL (Preparation for Working Life GCSE programme Years 10 and 11)
- Multi agency working
NT&AS puts young people first. We work closely with parents in planning for success.
It matters to NT&AS that your sons and daughters learn and achieve so that they can become
happy young people who achieve both academically and personally. NT&AS is aware of young people’s cultural needs and teachers working with young people are experienced and skilled in working together to raise outcomes.. NT&AS respects young people and their families.
Local Authorities
NT&AS has been successful in removing the social, cultural, economic and systemic barriers to learning. Teachers hold high expectations for young people and are skilled in developing pathways to success. Referrals are actioned within 3 days. Where a young person does not have a place in school or is awaiting a placement NT&AS works on an individual basis with them to raise attainment, attendance and expectations. Where a young person moves into another authority NT&AS is
able to provide continuity of learning in the new residential area through its regional teams.
NT&AS works closely with schools to ensure successful inclusion for young people. NT&AS has
an excellent record in planning for and effecting successful transition. With NT&AS young people
acquire personal and academic skills which enable them to manage school. As an independent
agency NT&AS is able to provide a bridge between home and school working with parents to
encourage full attendance and participation.